Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, May 24, 2024
The Son of Man Is Near His Glorious Manifestation
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on May 19, 2024

Love Me as I love you, ...soon you will be with Me.
This feast of Pentecost opens the time for the New Era.
Beloved children, I, God, consecrate you to Me. The Holy Spirit enfolds you to Himself.
Thunders My justice, the Word became flesh!
God, in His infinite Love, cries out to man for conversion! Beware, O men, this time is in My justice!
The sun pours powerful flames of fire upon the earth, this humanity enters into great suffering.
Italy will soon cry out for My help, but I will not listen to the cry of those who would not acknowledge Me as their God!
The earth will now be devastated by volcanoes close to eruption.
Watch, O men, watch, be converted that the Holy Spirit may bestow His holy gifts upon you! You will have new and perfect life.
Rejoice, children of Jerusalem, My Chalice has been poured out, I will purify the earth!
Shortly I will open the Gate of My Garden and I will shelter in It the elect, those who have loved, adored, served and followed Me.
Manage My Work on Earth, My children, O you who have received the mandate, put things in order.
My prophets I call to My refuges, where they shall stand in constant prayer and adoration to Me. They shall wait for Me in patient love. When they put obstacles in your way, know that Satan is carrying out his cursed game against Me. Do not fear, Beloved Ones, for I will intervene in your aid, I will support you, I will give you of Me, you will be strong in battle, and you will be wise in the Things of God.
Prepare for the great Warning, O men, the time has come for the Father to take back into Himself what belongs to Him.
The hour has come!...Mary Most Holy comes to the rescue of Her children, Saint Michael the Archangel is with Her, His sword is already drawn.
Manage yourselves in the Love of your Creator God, O men, do not turn away from Him, pray and fast from the things of the world, the time of the end of Evil has come.
Repent, O man, lest you be overwhelmed by Satan's evil, turn your gaze to Heaven and await the sign! The Son of Man is near His glorious manifestation.
My children, O you who still deny Me, you who persist in not wanting to believe that GOD exists, ...that in Him and only in Him is peace in the eternal jubilation of Love ...Convert, convert, convert now!!!
The times of great tribulation have begun. Prepare yourselves for the worst! The ordeal for this humanity has begun. Lucifer has conquered the hearts of men.
Pray, pray, pray, My children, pray for the conversion of those far from God.
Shooting stars on Earth!
Noices of falling devices from space!
Man has created his own death sentence, all the garbage he threw into it falls back on him.
Source: ➥